

Course description

Beginners with Tamara (Online)
Sundays 5:00 - 7:00pm

This course will include teaching of Yiddish language and culture. This course will include teaching of Yiddish language and culture. Our grammar lessons come from Colloquial Yiddish by Lily Kahn and Yiddish Volume I by Sheva Zucker. As we learn the language, we will also learn about Yiddish culture and in particular the culture of the Yiddish-speaking left, through books such as Yidishe Kinder Beys. We will also listen to and talk about Yiddish songs connected to the seasons, festivals and Ashkenazi culture. Classes will be highly interactive and will include time for conversation.

This class is a continuation of last term’s Beginners class, but new students are more than welcome. New students should be able to read simple texts in Yiddish, say and understand simple sentences, and know some basic grammar (e.g. the present, past and future tenses, noun declensions, negation).

If you are unsure if this level is appropriate for you, please email
babelsblessing@gmail.com to speak further.


Sign up here

Sundays 5:00 - 7:00pm on Zoom

PLEASE NOTE: there are TWO rates, Standard (the cheaper rate), and Supporter (for those who are able to contribute a little extra)

This Course is for continuing students or students who have basics of Yiddish.


12, 19, 26 May

9, 16 June

Note that there will be no class on the 2nd June.

Supporter Rate (£28/Class)

Standard Rate (£20/Class)